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Social crisis management

P&A is involved, both upstream and downstream, in the management of social crises: strikes, site blockades, serious accidents, cases exposed by the media, etc.

Responsiveness, availability, pragmatism and composure in decision-making, as well as experience in various types of situations are key assets for our clients.


Managing a social crisis in a company implies taking into consideration the multiple facets that make it up according to its nature and coordinating the different stakeholders with efficiency and responsiveness.

Knowledge of and full compliance with regulations, which are often complex, in these emergencies are crucial.

The increasing exposure of these crises to the media is an additional fundamental element to be integrated into the consulting, defense and representation strategy of the company and/or the group.


Our experience with crisis situations enables us to act promptly, to propose appropriate and immediate action plans and to directly coordinate all these aspects together with our privileged partners, in particular with agencies specialized in crisis communication or psychological listening units.

Beyond our advisory role, we can also intervene before all competent jurisdictions, in particular through our network of postulants and bailiffs, to initiate any action for summary judgment from hours to hours as appropriate.

  • On-site or off-site intervention
  • Assistance in making urgent decisions
  • Action plan in coordination with the social partners and in compliance with regulations
  • Internal and external communication
  • Strategy and judicial defense before the courts
  • Relations with external or on-site institutions
  • Undertaking of summary judgment, in particular for the purpose of expulsion
  • Coordination with communication agencies/internal communication services
  • Coordination with territorially competent judicial officers
  • Coordination with the psychological counselling units/external stakeholders